Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Phiolosphy of Photoshop

I love photography. I can't wait until i can make a career out of it (haha.)Whenever i need to use a photoediting program (I am to poor to actrually buy photoshop.) I die a little inside. I don't really know where this intesne hatred for these programs came from. I think it was during Photography 1 with Mr. Calbeck sophmore year. I hated that man seince freshman year, Mostly because he told me I had to be a sophmore to take photography. He was a total photoshop-faggot. He had almost no photographic skill other than editing images in photoshop. Everything I did rubbed him the wrong way, Probally because i gave him dirty looks when he was looking down my shirt.
The man was a pervert and a shitty photographer but he did have a reedming quality. He was a Deadhead. So he can't be all bad can he....?
So the Moral of this story is Photoshop and Photography shouldn't go together and if you're a Deadhead you can't be all bad.
By the way Mr Calbeck if i actrually managed to spell you're name right and you like googled your self or something, I'm pissed you gave me a B in AP photo 3 over the photoshop thing. It wasn't insabordination you literaly did not teach a lesson for a whole year. Why the hell do they still pay you.
I still think you should be hit more often.

Speaking of former teachers my old philosophy teacher rocked. Mr. Gutridge, Or as he was normally called guthrage. I left something in you're class once than had to go back for it during lunch and you were in you're office alone doing the penguin laugh form batman. I mean what the heck?
considering he teached Sociology and Phycology he was a pretty messed up man.
You're lessons put me to sleep and gave my friends ammple oppertunitys to draw on me. Please don't take it personally and send some costumed villan minions after me, Modest Mouse face was plenty of revenge.

What dose everyone think of my post names? Their pretty horrible arn't they.

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