Monday, March 7, 2011

Vegans are a pipe dream

First off PETA memebers, You are in a domestic terrorist group there is no denying that. You've blown up goverment bulidings and released misquites with deadly diseases. Misquetos really? Bugs arn't animals.
Don't get me wrong i'm all for animal rights but i think some things arn't as crule as people claim. Testing cosmetics on animals, Unnesisary and crul. Testing medications on animals or building them in animals, Very nessisary.
Killing animals for fun, Unnesisary and crul. Killing animals for food, A part of nature and inevitable.
I will no explain why not only are vegans wrong, they actrually don't exist!
First off the idea of being a vegan is fucking stupid as hell you NEED the nutrition from animal products as an OMNIVOR we are NOT Herbavors. Purley because of the amounts of substites and vitamins a vegan would have to take to get the same nutrition of someone following a normal diet makes it illogical.
"Mammals don't need milk past babyhood." That's true for most animals, but not humans. Actrually one of the reasons we drink milk and eat dairy products is because we couldn't possibly eat the amount of meat we would living in the wild!
"Milking cows are kept in bad conditions and we steal their milk" Actrually milking cows have a pretty nice life. Their allowed to graze all day out in the sun light and when their utters get uncomfterable from the amount of milk they willing can walk into the milking barn where they get hooked up for 5-15 minutes at a time to a soft slicon cup that dosn't feel any diffrent from a calf nursing.
"Milking cows are kept pregnent ALL THE TIME" actrually most animals expect to get pregnent everytime they have a heat and a lot will too, So cows arn't pregnent much more than they would be in the wild. Not to mention they have a year between births.
"their calfs are taken away from them the same day their born" That's actrually only true on milking barns that sell Male calfs for Veal, Which clearly is not a lot judging by the price of tourtred baby cow. Most females born to nursing cows are actrually allowed to stay with there mothers, We can get a gallon of milk from a cow each day ontop of what she needs to feed her baby!!!
You know what the best part about this is? when a cow gets to old to give us milk and more milking cows we use them for food! around a quarter of the beef in stores is from old milking cows! Slaughter houses first KILL the cow in the most humane way possible, Than they will skin them for leather use their meat to make hamburg and stake. Their hooves go into things such a dog food their organs can be eaten or used in other products. Their fat can be used in cosmetics even their hair is used to make guitar strings! infact so many things are made with animal products that we don't even realize it's Physically impossible to be a true vegan in america.

Friday, March 4, 2011

And one got fat

I found a great little number from the 60s, It's a bike safty video and possibly the most desterbing thing I've ever witnessed!
In the video Children (with monkey masks) make simple bike safty mistakes and get hit by things such as steam rollers and trucks, A couple fall in a man hole too. the best part of it is the other children keep riding like it's nothing!
You need to see this.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Why dose the welfare office have translators? Can anyone anwser this to me? I mean shouldn't it be if you don't want to learn english you don't deserve benifits?
Who moves to a country without learning the damn language anyways? Do we have spanish translators there JUST for Illegal Immigrants? Last time i checked you had to take your citzienship test in english.
Now most people will say I'm lazy for not learning spanish or some shit. But I live in america, Mexico is a sest pool and I have no intentions of moving there. Spanish is of no use to me other than to know when rude mexicans are talking bad about me behind my back. But you can tell that just by listening to them anyways.
I think all Illegal Immigrants should get sent back to mexico and get told that there not welcome to apply for citzenship.
I know for a fact there is a legal way in this country. It's their own damn fault they tried to sneek in they should be punished for it.
Whenever you talk to some idiot who's trying to stand up for giving benifits to illegal immigrations they try to bring up the fact that "your people immigrated here too"
Yes they are 100% correct. My ancestors came here on a long boat ride and were stuck at elis island doing paper work and getting quarentined to make sure they were disease free. They, like many other familys, even got their last name changed.
Once they were here they immeditly learned english and got a job.
So I'm sorry if i don't think Mr. Mexico needs foodstamps because he's to lazy to learn english. He can bitch to his own countries welfare office.
I'm not kidding when we were at foodstamps not one family other than us spoke english, Except for the guy pretending to have a limp (we saw him walking better than i do later, He was quite literaly pretending). But nope we need to jump threw hoops to get benifit's just because we speak english.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


While i have a big science test i should be studying hard for addmitidly I'm studying for pleasure.
April is Script Frenzy month!
Well what dose that have to do with studying? only EVERYTHING. My screen play is on the netorious Mary and Norma Bell.
I want to find out as much about the case as possible before i start on an imbitous story and throw a good chunk of it away. =D
Anyways, their such an interesting pair with a shocking story. The young english girls who murdered Toddlers.
I think even more amazing than Mary Bells Cold and empty emotion is her turn around. Some time during her time in jail she stopped being sick in the head and even went on to have a child of her own.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Phiolosphy of Photoshop

I love photography. I can't wait until i can make a career out of it (haha.)Whenever i need to use a photoediting program (I am to poor to actrually buy photoshop.) I die a little inside. I don't really know where this intesne hatred for these programs came from. I think it was during Photography 1 with Mr. Calbeck sophmore year. I hated that man seince freshman year, Mostly because he told me I had to be a sophmore to take photography. He was a total photoshop-faggot. He had almost no photographic skill other than editing images in photoshop. Everything I did rubbed him the wrong way, Probally because i gave him dirty looks when he was looking down my shirt.
The man was a pervert and a shitty photographer but he did have a reedming quality. He was a Deadhead. So he can't be all bad can he....?
So the Moral of this story is Photoshop and Photography shouldn't go together and if you're a Deadhead you can't be all bad.
By the way Mr Calbeck if i actrually managed to spell you're name right and you like googled your self or something, I'm pissed you gave me a B in AP photo 3 over the photoshop thing. It wasn't insabordination you literaly did not teach a lesson for a whole year. Why the hell do they still pay you.
I still think you should be hit more often.

Speaking of former teachers my old philosophy teacher rocked. Mr. Gutridge, Or as he was normally called guthrage. I left something in you're class once than had to go back for it during lunch and you were in you're office alone doing the penguin laugh form batman. I mean what the heck?
considering he teached Sociology and Phycology he was a pretty messed up man.
You're lessons put me to sleep and gave my friends ammple oppertunitys to draw on me. Please don't take it personally and send some costumed villan minions after me, Modest Mouse face was plenty of revenge.

What dose everyone think of my post names? Their pretty horrible arn't they.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow and music Scouting, Both suck.

Common god, We've all had enough of this snow. Yes i understand you think it's halarious to watch us try to shovel out a car we can't even see with a broken shovel and no gloves but really the jokes over. Go harras canadians with snow they appreciate it more.
Really anyone on the east coast except those in Florida know this snow has been crazy. Also the storms we have now came from the midwest so those who live near the great lakes know too.

scouting for music is a long hard boring process I make less there than i do blogging. it turns in to about 10 cents a minute which is like less than a buck an hour. I didn't discover any good new bands today. I did however listen to a lot of pocupine tree and even a bit of dream theater, Pogressive metal is a music of gods.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

T is for Tuesday, Or Ted Leo

I spent most of the day rateing people's underground bands online. Most of it is absolutly terrible. Some of it has lovely well thought out lyrics such as.. "Put the boom in it." or "show me what you're working with, I'll show you what I'm working with"
The music on this site is almost like 4chan, But insted of sifting threw trolls and porn to find something funny and creative you sift threw Rap and Simlar crap to find a decent band.
one new band i found is Jonny C Goode and the bad review.

I figured with all the horrible music i should make a point to introduce something decent that you're probally not listening too, Ted Leo and the pharmacists.
Ted Leo the lead singer and guitarist he's been the only constent member of the band and has done a lot of work before the band.
They have 6 Albums, 7 EPs and and 2 singles.
It's pretty up beat music to be honest.  they pull from a lot of generas mixing Punk rock, Folk rock, and Indie to be something great.

Well that's a bit vain isn't it? i mean even if he is the only consistent member dosn't mean the other memebers don't want credit.

Zombies and Junk food.

I'm pretty much planning on rammbling about anything that comes to mind be it new hipster bands, Movie reveiws or on rare occasions idiots I deal with daily.

Well to get things off on a good start i just Re-Watched Night of the Living Dead.
First off why is Ben from night of the living dead so bad at boarding up windows but so good with a shot gun? is that a raceist thing?
Another issue with night of the Living dead, Ghools (zombies) can't use tools if their brain dead.

Here's another no one else has seemed to mention Mashell Obama is trying to make fewer fat kids by making walmart change what they carry for food and whatever other bull shit shes doing.
First off fat people belive it or not are smart enough to know how to diet and even how to feed their children. Heck most children know their snack cakes and potato chips are bad for them.
I have an alternitive program for ending child hood obeasity.
  • Stop feeding your obease child so much and quit blaming the junk food.
  • Hit neglectful parents who don't follow the first rule.
Seriously Junk food never hurt anyone smart enough to eat it in moderation. It's sorta like booze.
You release booze in america we get a bunch of alchoolics, Release it in other countries and people can moderate it in their own home.
Or here's an idea insted of giving foodstamps the Fancy new name of SNAP card (that wasn't obama but it's still a pointless name change.) why don't you make them a bit easier to get for those of us who actrually need it?

By the way why dose the welfare office offer translators? Shouldn't it be "you can learn english or get deployed." don't get me wrong I'm all for immigrations, Hell I'd welcome an illegal immigration with open arms if they could learn that you speak ENGLISH in public.